"How do you get the aluminum on the painting?"

Aluminum Leaf Application

My big new tropical fish / giant kelp painting is basically half done now with the application of the aluminum leaf (and I haven't even begun to apply the paint). That's the next step but the hard work is now complete. Painting is the fun part. 


A New Art Genre is Born

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."   -- King Solomon, Book of Ecclesiastes.

When I see artwork that is unique or hear music that is really different, or taste a really innovative flavor combination at one of our local restaurants, I can't help but wonder, "how did they come up with this?" What was the creative process? What were the steps that led from the conception to completion?

I'm just a painter and I'm still in "learning mode" every day, so I have not "arrived" yet. I am no "art sage". But I have come up with a form of art that is (happily) my own. I call it "dialuminism". I love saying that. It makes me feel smart. You should try it. Seriously, it's a word that basically just means "light passing through" and it's what I call my art genre because that's how it works. I paint on metallic leaf, and so light reflects off that metal and shoots back through the paint, basically creating a back-lit painting.

And as much as I would love to take all the credit for what I do, I think it's time I "fess up": I am not the first to think of painting on metal leaf. The ancient Egyptians started it and the Greeks perfected it. 

I was listening to a TED Radio Hour a couple weeks ago and the subject was Creativity. The point was that there is nothing really, truly unique: All creative ideas build upon previous creative ideas. There is truly nothing new under the sun. What I gleaned from the hour program was that what we "creatives" do is basically take pre-existing "ingredients" (or ideas) and re-mix them into a combination that is itself unique. I can live with that.

So as I consider the steps I've taken, I think I need to confess that I owe my genre to the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. Now before you dismiss me as a right-wing nut job, let me explain. Around 2002, I was strolling though the Mt. Dora Arts Festival in Mt. Dora. One of the booths was staffed by a gentleman that created Greek Orthodox Icons.  When I approached the booth, the sun was shining down through the ancient oak trees and Spanish moss and striking the surface of countless icons, each painted on gold leaf, and I could not leave the booth. I had never seen color do what it was doing. Turns out, that when you back-light color (with light reflecting off the gold leaf), you amplify that color tremendously. I had seen icons in my art history book in college, but I had never actually seen any in person. What I saw stunned me. When I got home, I began playing with metal leaf and oil paint and I couldn't stop. Today, I paint no angels, or Virgins or baby Jesus's, but every painting I create now began with a spark of creativity launched off the face of an icon.

That was the beginning. But I have two other muses that have spoken into my art. I'll get into them in a future entry.  

St. Claire Art News & Updates

Western North Carolina Design Guide Show

at the Studios in Flat Rock

April 8 - May 14: 

Several of the artists included in the WNC Design Guide will have our work displayed at The Studios at Flat Rock. In addition to viewing the art, the public will have a chance to meet the artists and hear each artist explain their work. 

The Studio's at Flat Rock  2702A Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, NC  28731  

Asheville RADical Daze (Spring Studio Stroll)

May 21-22, 2016, 10 AM-6 PM: 

Part of the RADical Daze with three big events. In addition to the Studio Stroll, watch 50 artists create a massive 15,000 square foot mural at the Burners and Barbecue Mural Event, and go to a Arts2People fundraiser for the very unique Foundation Skate Park on Saturday.  

The Studio Stroll is free and self-guided. Many studios are within walking distance of each other, and there is plenty of free parking. Go home with new ideas, gifts for friends and even something special for yourself. Free trolleys run approximately every 15 minutes throughout the mile long district during Studio Stroll hours. Come enjoy the exhibits, kid's activities, and art demonstrations, such as glass blowing, wheel throwing, wood turning, and more. For more info, click here.
